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Return of the Clonsayee Page 7
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Virgil then stepped out onto his front porch, carrying a basket that contained journals. He handed out one journal to each knight saying, “These belonged to your families. God speed to each of you, please journey safely. We look forward to the day you all return.” The knights walked to a setting of chairs to talk to one another and share their journals. Virgil turned around and from behind one of the rocking chairs he dragged out a cylindrical container that held carved walking sticks.
Bev’s eyes lit up. “Walking sticks.”
The mentioning of walking sticks drew everyone’s attention and they moved toward the cottage to take a closer look. Each walking stick had a note that Virgil had personally written, exclusively for it. He began handing a staff out to each guest.
He first pulled out a walking stick that looked similar to Willoughby and said to Caroline, “I understand that Willoughby belongs to someone else." Caroline nodded. Virgil continued, "This is Willoughby’s replacement. Please give this to Willoughby's owner. Catherine would have wanted you to have Willoughby.” She smiled as she received the staff.
Virgil continued to distribute the walking sticks. When he finished passing them out, he said, “Now you each have a forest guide of your very own to assist you on whatever path you may choose to take in life. From this time on, you shall never walk alone.” Each recipient examined his or her guide.
Virgil informed them, “You will find that each guide has its own personality and each is unique. Please repeat the following words after me, to breathe life from the forest into them.”
They eagerly listened to his words and repeated them back: “O ndai sa enti, ani rond!”
Instantly the forest guides awakened. Everyone was stunned that the spoken words had awakened his or her guide. They each turned their walking sticks to inspect them and talk to them. Virgil was correct; each walking stick had its own personality. Each guest approached Virgil to thank him. It was getting late so Caroline’s knights thanked Virgil once again for his gifts and informed him they needed to depart.
The queen’s knights were standing nearby. They moved to join the kingdom knights. It was suggested that the queen’s knights would join the recently knighted men to walk them to the clearing. By this time, the two moons lit up the night sky. Virgil asked them to wait for a brief time.
He ran into his house and soon returned with a leather satchel saying, “Now we can go.”
The stars twinkled and a shooting star shot across the sky as they reached their destination in the clearing. The queen’s knight spoke up and demonstrated how they would know where the Passageway back was located. As he blew into the air across his crystal, the breath caused ripples. He pointed to the Passageway and told them this was where they should enter to return home. The knight’s assistants came forward and handed each knight a leather bag containing his weapon and equipment.
As they were standing quietly, each remembering the day’s events, voices could be heard from across the clearing coming from the tree line. Not knowing if the voices were threatening, the new knights withdrew their weapons from the bags and each held tight to the handles of their new swords. From the other side of the clearing, knights came walking toward them. Virgil held up his hand signaling that it was safe and they should not to be frightened.
“These are not just any knights. These are the Keepers of the Kingdom, your forefathers.” The approaching keepers had a greenish glow to their armor. Their faces seemed to be gray in color. The guests looked at each other in astonishment and watched as the keepers came out into the open and went to take their place by each one of the recent knights.
Virgil said, “I almost forgot that I have something for each of you before you go. I have the remnants of what is left of the records from each family.” He reached into his leather bag and began passing the records out. The knights stood silently, not knowing what to do. Once Virgil completed his task, they turned and looked into the faces of their forefathers. The first knight touched Gabriel on his shoulder. Gabriel nodded at the knight before him. He thanked him before he turned, blew across his crystal and disappeared through the Passageway. Once he walked through, his keeper disappeared. One by one the rest of the knights did the same before they also went through the Passageway.
When the last knight walked through the Passageway, the queen’s carriage pulled up. She stepped out of the carriage and thanked Virgil. Virgil in return bowed down to her.
Her eyes grew wide and in a soft voice she said, “Rise.” She reached for his hand. “My dear Virgil, we have been through this before.” She smiled at him. “I shall return in the near future.”
Everyone thanked the queen individually and said their goodbyes. When Caroline thanked her, the queen whispered something in Caroline’s ear before she turned to step back into her carriage.
Once the queen’s entourage went through the Passageway, Virgil looked at the remaining guests then asked if they would like to stay longer and visit. They all agreed. It was a lovely night and they weren’t ready to depart for home. They turned to walk back to Virgil’s cottage.
He immediately enlisted help to bring out drinks. After they finished their beverages, Virgil went to stand by himself as he reflected on the events of the night.
Bev walked over next to him. “Virgil, you put on quite an event here today and it went off without a hitch. I have to give you and the Queen of England credit for a spectacular coronation for Caroline.”
Virgil said, “You don’t know just how much tonight meant to me.”
Bev thought about his words and smiled. “It was lovely wasn’t it?”
They stood for a thoughtful moment thinking about the earlier events and she continued, “You made tonight special. I have to tell you, the pastries you baked were out of this world.”
Virgil laughed. “I’ve had years to experiment with the native ingredients.”
“Maybe another time you would be willing to share your secrets with me.”
Virgil turned to her. “I would be honored to share my experiences and expertise.”
Virgil said to the group, “I think we should consider eating our snacks by the fire pit tonight. It is a beautiful night under the stars.” Everyone agreed. He added, “We are fortunate that the insects around here are not a nuisance.”
Virgil excused himself, asking Charles and Wayland to join him. They followed him into the cabin. When they returned, everyone followed Virgil to the fire pit. Virgil pointed out that next to each seat was a stick to roast a large sticky marshmallow-like treat. They each took turns telling stories around the fire as they roasted their treats. Virgil had everyone’s attention as he told stories about Caroline’s ancestors. He told them about the kingdom and the surrounding land. He told them more about the dragon and the myths that surrounded it.
When Virgil finished speaking, he laughed when they protested. “There are other tales, but I think I will save them for the next visit. It will keep you coming back for more.”
It was getting late and they needed to return home. They thanked him for his hospitality, gathered their things and said goodbye. The men shook hands with Virgil and the ladies gave him a hug. Everyone picked up his or her forest guide.
The breeze started blowing in the treetops and a whisper in the forest could be heard. Virgil closed his eyes and whispered right along with the voices. When he opened his eyes he said, “The forest is whispering an old saying about visitors being welcome when they journey here. It is sad when they depart but it gives us something to look forward to when our guests say they will return. Hopefully we will meet again.”
Everyone stopped to listen to the whooshing sound that seemed to be surrounding the area. Virgil continued: “All the trees are talking to you. They are using your forest spirit guides to encourage you to return.”
As they reached the clearing, the group saw three assistants who had helped them prepare for the coronation. Each assistant carried leather bags containing the weapons and equipment gifted by the qu
een. One attendant also carried a white box.
The guests looked around the clearing in the moonlight. The trees’ leaves seemed to reflect the light. Airabelle and Airasten could be seen as pulsing lights in the sky flying above the treetops. Spinning butterfly-like creatures lit up the air as they flittered among the glowing flowers in the moonlight. The grass swayed in the warm gentle breeze. It almost seemed to brush their ankles as they walked. Small wildlife creatures came out into the moonlight to stare at the visitors in curiosity. The animals kept their distance and were nonthreatening. It was difficult to see them very well but the group of travelers could tell the creatures didn’t look like anything they had ever seen before. The animals were analogous to the creatures depicted in the Hub murals.
Bev asked, “Why would anyone ever want to leave this paradise?”
When the visitors agreed it was time to depart, the assistants handed the leather bags to Dimitrios and Wayland. The attendant carrying the white box gave the box to Natalie and whispered in her ear. The three assistants stepped back to stand by Virgil. Carson blew across his crystal and one by one the guests filed through the Passageway.
Chapter 11
Charles stopped in front of Caroline before he entered the Passageway. He placed his forest guide and the one Caroline held on the ground. Then he held both of Caroline’s hands so that they were facing each other. In a voice just above a whisper he said to Caroline, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” Caroline whispered back staring into his eyes.
It was a beautiful evening and the perfect ending to a fairy tale adventure. Caroline wished this moment would last forever. As he was about to kiss her, Dimitrios came back through the Passageway and said Charles’ name to get his attention. Charles nodded that he received the message. As soon as Dimitrios disappeared again, Charles quickly landed a quick but meaningful kiss on her lips. He picked up their forest guides and handed Caroline the guide. Then he turned, still holding one of her hands and followed the others. Once they made it through into the dim light of the office, everyone looked at each other. The men looked at their formal clothes. The ladies looked at their gowns. Dimitrios and Wayland had placed the leather bags containing their weapons and equipment on the floor by Carson’s desk.
Airabelle flew to her perch and said, “It looks as though you’ve been to a ball.”
Carson removed the kingdom’s marble from the Marble Track and placed the sphere on the table. He then expressed an idea, “Why don’t we take a photograph commemorating this day?”
They agreed to his suggestion. The ladies scattered upstairs to freshen up. The attendants left the supplies they used earlier for the women. Caroline took her supplies into the bathroom. Natalie placed the white box she was carrying with Caroline’s gifts. She took her supplies and joined Caroline. Bev used the other bathroom to freshen up. When the ladies completed their preparations, they looked just as beautiful as they had that morning.
While the women were upstairs, Carson set up the camera. When they returned to the office, Carson positioned everyone before he set the timer to take the photograph. Once the picture was taken, the cuckoo clock chimed. They realized it was time to change back into their everyday attire. The moment set in that the day and its festivities had ended. It was time to focus on reality.
They each took turns changing back to their usual attire. Once Caroline changed into her everyday clothes, she placed her coronation dress and jewelry back into the boxes. As Caroline picked up the box for her dress, a white box tied with a white ribbon fell upon the bed. She called to Bev and Natalie. They walked over to see what she had discovered. Natalie encouraged her to open the box. Caroline picked the box up and untied the bow.
Inside she found a handwritten note from the queen:
Dear Caroline, Thank you so much for accepting my invitation. We are family and I am so glad to have found you. Please accept this token of my appreciation. Whenever you wish, just set it on the Marble Track I have enclosed. It will take you to a place where I will be able to find you. I look forward to our reunion. Blessings.
Caroline reached into the box and withdrew a small Marble Track. It had two angels facing each other. A track for the enchanted marble ran between them. Caroline could see a mechanism that helped the track see saw back and forth allowing the marble to roll between the two angels. In the corner of the box Caroline found an enchanted marble.
Bev and Natalie looked at the gifts and then at each other. They encouraged her to take the track and marble to Dimitrios.
As soon as Dimitrios saw his daughter with her clothes box, he asked, “Are you ready to go?”
“Daddy, not yet. We brought you something to look at. Show him, Caroline.”
Caroline handed him the note and gifts.
“Well, well, well, what do we have here ladies?” He took the sphere and read the note. “The plot thickens.” He held the marble up to the light and rolled it around in his hand. Next Caroline handed Dimitrios the Marble Track. He inspected it carefully. He handed both items and the note back to Caroline.
“I’ve never seen anything like it. I believe your marble will transport you to a secure location so the queen will know where to find you. Possibly a cottage that belongs to her.” He shrugged. “I caution you not to use the track or the marble until you know where it takes you.” He hesitated and said, “I think it would also be wise to let her know in advance before you use her gifts.”
Caroline said, “Point taken. That’s good advice. I’ll ask the queen the next time I see her.” Caroline looked closer at the enchanted marble. It had blue, green and gold rays that met in the center. In the center was a tiny red dot that looked like a ruby.
Dimitrios pointed to the ruby and said, “That, wherever that is, is the locale where it transports you. The ruby is similar to X marks the spot.”
She nodded. “I see.” Caroline put the sphere and Marble Track back into the box that Natalie handed to her, and passed it around for everyone to see. Once everyone looked at the gifts, Caroline took the items back upstairs and placed them back in the larger box. She noticed a white box setting on the bed. When she opened it, she smiled to see her coronet inside.
When Caroline returned, Anthony who had been very quiet up until then said, “Congratulations. Your Majesty, it has been an honor to attend your coronation. I look forward to meeting with you again. I must be going now. Thank you everyone and goodnight.” They said goodnight as the prime minister picked up his walking stick and the box with his clothing. Then the Anthony reached down for his leather bag. He smiled at the others and left.
Charles walked over to the jacket he had worn to the coronation. He reached in its pocket and withdrew Caroline’s deed to the kingdom. “Caroline, here is the deed to the kingdom.”
Caroline took the deed from Charles and looked at Carson. “May I keep this deed in your vault? It needs to be kept in a safe place.” Carson nodded and went to his desk to retrieve his vault key.
Wayland and Charles offered to help disassemble the Marble Track and carry the pieces into the vault. Carson welcomed the help as they set the pieces on the table inside the vault, along with the marble. Wayland and Charles left the vault. Carson then closed the vault door and turned the key.
Dimitrios said to Natalie, “Princess, I know you want to stay but we really must be going as well.”
Natalie realized her dad was correct. It was becoming late and they had a busy day tomorrow. Natalie hugged Caroline. Dimitrios, Wayland and Natalie gathered the gifts from the queen and Carson then said goodnight to everyone as they left.
After Natalie, Wayland and Dimitrios exited through the Passageway, the others all came together in the middle of the room.
Caroline asked, “Did this really happen, or am I dreaming?”
Bev smiled. “Caroline, it really happened. It wasn’t a dream.”
Charles said, “It’s been an amazing summer. I can’t believe school will start soon.”
rson said, “It’s getting late. I think we should return to the house so Margaret and Al can come for Caroline.”
Bev reminded him. “I have to call them first.”
They walked to the house together. Bev placed the call to Margaret and Al. They sat at the table and talked until Caroline’s grandparents arrived.
Margaret and Al hugged Caroline when they walked in the house. Margaret asked her for details about the coronation ceremony. Caroline received her second wind and enthusiastically told them about the celebration.
Al asked Carson, “May I see the sword and shield?”
Caroline asked Margaret if she would like to see her dress and jewelry. Her grandmother replied in the affirmative, so everyone went to the office. When the ladies walked upstairs, Margaret was shown the boxes containing Caroline’s coronation attire. Her grandmother was impressed with the gifts the queen had given Caroline.
Al was looking over the sword. “Carson, I think there might be more to this sword than meets the eye.”
Carson asked, “What are you thinking? It might be enchanted?”
Al nodded. “I know it is…”
Bev and Margaret helped Caroline carry her clothing boxes and gifts down to the office and everyone sat down. They regaled their guests with stories about the coronation and the celebrations following. Caroline gave her grandpa the walking stick Virgil had given her to replace Willoughby. He accepted it and they said goodnight.
After their guests departed, the family went to the house. Charles prepared for bed. He couldn’t stop thinking about how perfect the evening had been. It was hard to believe that Caroline was now the queen of some far away mystical land. He tried to settle down to go to sleep but it took him a while, as he went over the events of the day once again in his mind. At some point, Charles closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.